Welcome Message from Principal .
Dear Friends and Visitors:
Welcome to the IHM website! Children in the East Hollywood area of Los Angeles have enjoyed the opportunity to be students at Immaculate Heart of Mary School for over 100 years.
Through instruction in Religion and daily school living, our students learn about the tenets of the Catholic faith and the values that are so much a part of Christian living. Students are encouraged to be of service to others, to those who are less fortunate than we are, to recognize that the world is larger than we are, and that we have a responsibility to care for our planet and each other. We offer a challenging academic curriculum in which students are encouraged to give the best they have to offer to their learning. Teachers always provide assistance to those who need additional help.
The IHM Children’s Choir competed at the Seventh World Choir Games in Cincinnati, Ohio in July of 2012. The World Choir Games, which was formerly known as the Choir Olympics, is the largest choir competition in the world and it was the first time that the United States participated in this event. In the April 2012 issue of St. Anthony Messenger, the widely circulated national magazine featured the IHM Children’s Choir on its front cover and centerfold. The article highlighted them as the “only U.S. Catholic elementary school that will compete in this summer’s World Choir Games.” The students won two silver medals for the categories of Young Children's Choirs and Music of Religions. Recently, the students have competed and won various local competitions, such as the Acapella Festival. They have performed in Disneyland and some students were recorded for the soundtrack of the movie "The Book of Life." Furthermore, the choir sang for Pope Francis in Rome in December of 2015. They also sang at Carnegie Hall in New York in June of 2016. They sang in London and Canterbury in the Summer of 2019. They plan to continue to travel to more places in the future..
The future of learning is about access and sustainability with the aid of improved technology. Immaculate Heart of Mary was one of the first Catholic schools to move into this stage of learning. We moved into interactive learning years ago, specifically Blended Learning. Blended learning is a student-centered structure, in which students are working in centers with technology as a tool to differentiate instruction. Based on standardized assessment data, IHM scores have been increasing each year, ensuring that all of our students are growing. Students have received more one-on-one attention and lessons are catered towards his or her individual need. Distance learning was a seamless transition for our students and teachers because we have been implementing technology here at IHM for years.
There is truly only one reason for a school and that is the children. It is our pleasure to serve the children and families of IHM, and trust that we will continue to serve children for years to come.
Welcome to the IHM website! Children in the East Hollywood area of Los Angeles have enjoyed the opportunity to be students at Immaculate Heart of Mary School for over 100 years.
Through instruction in Religion and daily school living, our students learn about the tenets of the Catholic faith and the values that are so much a part of Christian living. Students are encouraged to be of service to others, to those who are less fortunate than we are, to recognize that the world is larger than we are, and that we have a responsibility to care for our planet and each other. We offer a challenging academic curriculum in which students are encouraged to give the best they have to offer to their learning. Teachers always provide assistance to those who need additional help.
The IHM Children’s Choir competed at the Seventh World Choir Games in Cincinnati, Ohio in July of 2012. The World Choir Games, which was formerly known as the Choir Olympics, is the largest choir competition in the world and it was the first time that the United States participated in this event. In the April 2012 issue of St. Anthony Messenger, the widely circulated national magazine featured the IHM Children’s Choir on its front cover and centerfold. The article highlighted them as the “only U.S. Catholic elementary school that will compete in this summer’s World Choir Games.” The students won two silver medals for the categories of Young Children's Choirs and Music of Religions. Recently, the students have competed and won various local competitions, such as the Acapella Festival. They have performed in Disneyland and some students were recorded for the soundtrack of the movie "The Book of Life." Furthermore, the choir sang for Pope Francis in Rome in December of 2015. They also sang at Carnegie Hall in New York in June of 2016. They sang in London and Canterbury in the Summer of 2019. They plan to continue to travel to more places in the future..
The future of learning is about access and sustainability with the aid of improved technology. Immaculate Heart of Mary was one of the first Catholic schools to move into this stage of learning. We moved into interactive learning years ago, specifically Blended Learning. Blended learning is a student-centered structure, in which students are working in centers with technology as a tool to differentiate instruction. Based on standardized assessment data, IHM scores have been increasing each year, ensuring that all of our students are growing. Students have received more one-on-one attention and lessons are catered towards his or her individual need. Distance learning was a seamless transition for our students and teachers because we have been implementing technology here at IHM for years.
There is truly only one reason for a school and that is the children. It is our pleasure to serve the children and families of IHM, and trust that we will continue to serve children for years to come.
We are always happy to hear you Get in touch
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Immaculate Heart of Mary School
1055 N. Alexandria Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029 |
2020 Immaculate Heart of Mary School. All Rights Reserved. Design by Modern Era Media