Academic Resources .
Media and Technology
IHM is well-equipped with technology throughout the school. The school is equipped with wireless Internet that make it easy for everyone to go online. Students in TK through 8th grades have 1:1 devices. Students create PowerPoint presentations, make Excel spreadsheets, use Microsoft Word, use Google Drive and Classroom, and use the Internet for research. Teachers have iPads to document the learning of their students and Apple TV's in each classroom allow for interactive learning. Through the use of these various instructional methods, the students have been able to become more innovative, active, and creative individuals and are able to apply these skills into today’s technologically advanced society.
The Archdiocese has graciously allowed our school to pilot Blended Learning with the help of some grants. Some of the technology programs used include Khan Academy, Prodigy, IXL, and Google Classroom as a supplemental tool for online instruction. Technology has made it possible to provide students with more targeted small-group instruction, allowing them to meet the needs of every student. We use programs that provide differentiated online adaptive content so that all students can work on his/her own level while providing teachers with real-time progress monitoring. During grade level meetings, data is disaggregated and analyzed. During whole group staff meetings, analysis of assessment results are discussed for planning and instructional purposes (again, to meet the needs of each student).
Inclusion of all Learners
Teachers are trained in creating and utilizing the Support Team Education Plan (STEP) in order to accommodate students with special needs. STEP meetings are held and observations of students with special needs are written on logs so that we can make sure to monitor the progress of students’ behavior and/or academic performance. Within the classroom the teachers address low performing students, as well as high-performing (gifted) students by differentiating and modifying instruction: ability grouping, peer tutoring, one-on-one instruction, catering to all modalities, etc. The teachers and staff ensure that all forms of instructional methodology and assessments fit the teaching and learning process stated in our philosophy and Student Learning Expectations in order to foster the growth of the whole child.
IHM is well-equipped with technology throughout the school. The school is equipped with wireless Internet that make it easy for everyone to go online. Students in TK through 8th grades have 1:1 devices. Students create PowerPoint presentations, make Excel spreadsheets, use Microsoft Word, use Google Drive and Classroom, and use the Internet for research. Teachers have iPads to document the learning of their students and Apple TV's in each classroom allow for interactive learning. Through the use of these various instructional methods, the students have been able to become more innovative, active, and creative individuals and are able to apply these skills into today’s technologically advanced society.
The Archdiocese has graciously allowed our school to pilot Blended Learning with the help of some grants. Some of the technology programs used include Khan Academy, Prodigy, IXL, and Google Classroom as a supplemental tool for online instruction. Technology has made it possible to provide students with more targeted small-group instruction, allowing them to meet the needs of every student. We use programs that provide differentiated online adaptive content so that all students can work on his/her own level while providing teachers with real-time progress monitoring. During grade level meetings, data is disaggregated and analyzed. During whole group staff meetings, analysis of assessment results are discussed for planning and instructional purposes (again, to meet the needs of each student).
Inclusion of all Learners
Teachers are trained in creating and utilizing the Support Team Education Plan (STEP) in order to accommodate students with special needs. STEP meetings are held and observations of students with special needs are written on logs so that we can make sure to monitor the progress of students’ behavior and/or academic performance. Within the classroom the teachers address low performing students, as well as high-performing (gifted) students by differentiating and modifying instruction: ability grouping, peer tutoring, one-on-one instruction, catering to all modalities, etc. The teachers and staff ensure that all forms of instructional methodology and assessments fit the teaching and learning process stated in our philosophy and Student Learning Expectations in order to foster the growth of the whole child.
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Immaculate Heart of Mary School
1055 N. Alexandria Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029 |
2020 Immaculate Heart of Mary School. All Rights Reserved. Design by Modern Era Media